These bank notes are of consecutive numbers. 这些钞票是连号的。
What is the sum of the three consecutive whole numbers with 2n as the middle number? 三个连续整数,中间一个是2n,它们的总和是多少?
Notices based on original information, as opposed to those that republish information from another country, have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk. 根据原始资料而不是取自其他国家资料再发布的通告在其连续编号前有一个星形前缀。
The consecutive number printing function comes in handy when you're producing large numbers of labels. 连续编号的打印功能是在方便的时候你生产大量的标签。
Variety Number of Natural Number Reduction to Sum of Consecutive Odd Numbers 自然数分拆成若干个连续奇数之和的分拆种数